A digital and effortless customer onboarding experience thanks to Mobile-Technologies | Asian Telecom
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A digital and effortless customer onboarding experience thanks to Mobile-Technologies

The company was recognized in this year’s Asian Telecom Awards.

As the world and businesses evolve, digital transformation is in need in every aspect of a business, which works well for Mobile-Technologies which provide digital identity management and workflow automation solutions. The key solution from Mobile-Technologies is their Intelligent Registration Management (iRM) solution which helped them win the Digital Initiative of the Year Award at the 2023 Asian Telecom Awards.

The awards programme commends the efforts and initiatives of telecom companies in successfully navigating a challenging market environment while offering high-quality services and products. The iRM solution for various use cases in a number of industries by Mobile-Technologies set them apart from alternative or competitive offerings in the market.

Mobile-Technologies’ iRM platform acts as a digital and automated customer onboarding and service enablement orchestration solution, that helps enterprises to efficiently capture, verify and secure data. It is part of the intelligent Service Layer product family, which is geared towards efficiency and security in data handling, whether it be capturing or verification.

Thanks to the sophisticated capabilities of the iRM platform, the registration process has been automated, reducing the need for manual intervention in repetitive tasks such as data entry, validation, or verification. This has also translated into an increase in working process efficiency for customers that are using the solution.

The iRM platform solution from Mobile-Technologies allows for digital customer identity data capturing and validation (eKYC), registration and service onboarding, as well as secure document storage. The platform uses advanced technologies such as machine learning and biometric data capture, to improve the efficiency and security of registration and onboarding processes.

iRM enables engagement over multiple channels and user interfaces, such as mobile apps and web portals for data capture, focusing strongly on user experience, security, and regulatory compliance, allowing at the same time flexible integrations with other systems.

The security capabilities integrated into the iRM platform are very advanced, with key consideration being given to encryption, authentication, and access controls, in order to ensure that only authorised individuals can access the system. Some features include identification, biometrics, and signatures for digital enrolment, while aliveness, MRZ, and OCR are used in identity verification.

Customers using Mobile-Technologies’ iRM platform can speed up their digital transformation in the customer onboarding aspect of their business, allowing for multiple channels for user registration and onboarding, while fraudulent activities are eliminated by strong verification mechanisms and processes.

The iRM platform and related use cases can be customised to fit the needs and specifics of different verticals, enabling managing networks of different assets across a wide area easier and safer. Mobile-Technologies have enabled enterprise clients from a wide array of industries to build and run highly secured and well-orchestrated digital tools for identity and access management, customer onboarding and service enablement.


The Asian Telecom Awards is presented by Asian Telecom Magazine. To view the full list of winners, click here. If you want to join the 2024 awards programme and be acclaimed for delivering cutting-edge, award-winning telco products and services to customers, please contact Julie Anne Nuñez at [email protected].

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