India to auction more 5G spectrum
Over 10,523 MHz of 5G spectrum is up for grabs, worth $11.5b.
India’s Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has issued invitations to all telco players to apply for its next spectrum auction scheduled on May 20 which aims to put more 5G bands on the block.
The DoT said it will offer spectrum in the 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2500 MHz, 3300 MHz and 26 GHz bands.
Based on the notice inviting application (NIA) sent out by the DoT to eligible parties, auction winners will keep their licences for a minimum of 10 years, and will not be required to pay spectrum usage charges (SUC).
Participants must also hold a permit for either a unified access service licence (UASL) or a unified licence (UL), although new entrants who commit to obtaining a UL can also bid for spectrum.
The NIA also says that companies that don’t hold spectrum or whose spectrum licences have expired in particular licence service areas (LSAs) will be treated as new entrants.
All players have until April 22 to apply for the auction. The DoT plans to hold a mock auction on May 13 and 14 ahead of the actual auction on May 20.