Link Net pushes becoming leading fiber provider in Indonesia

Link Net pushes becoming leading fiber provider in Indonesia

The transformation focuses on market demand, delayering, and expansion in the Indonesian fixed broadband market.

Broadband provider Link Net is currently transforming into a fiber company in Indonesia, with the goal of serving multi internet providers on top of its broadband services for a more penetrated fixed broadband market.

Edward Sanusi, Link Net’s Director and Chief Technology Officer said that in order to be a high efficient fiber company, Link Net should focus on three pillars namely technology, process, and manpower.

“We realize that when we really want to do this, like laser focus on this becoming a true fiber company, we need to really set a vision of becoming a really high efficient fiber company, not just an infrastructure company,” Sanusi said.

The transformation is driven by market demand and the low penetration rate in the fixed broadband market which was last seen at around 16 percent.

“In our analysis, the market in Indonesia will have trends to watch the convergence. It means that many surfaces, not only fixed broadband, will become converts,” Sanusi mentioned, “Now,  the market is here, so it shows that this is a very good market to penetrate in the next few years in Indonesia,” 

He also mentioned delayering, a trend in telecommunication which focuses on customer service and infrastructure expansion.

“So in this case, I think since we are part of the group of Axiata, we are now also doing this delayering, which means that the mobile and fixed convergence will be taken care of by the other subsidiary of Axiata, which is XL Axiata,” he explained.

Sanusi added that he aims to make fixed broadband a mass market through delivering millions of home buses per year instead of thousands.

“We have aspirations to accelerate, to definitely become like the infested company that has at least 8 million home buses, of which currently we have three, only 3.3 in the next five years,” he said,  “So we are talking now about how to get the process efficient and also handle large volumes to deliver efficiently to become a very fast infrastructure company in Indonesia.”

Currently, LinkNet has a presence in 27 cities across Indonesia, and has secured a contract in June to provide 1 million home passes for XL Axiata by the end of next year.

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